During our camper research, we discovered all sorts of tiny campers, mostly box-shaped. For various reasons, we wrote off the Cricket. We looked at Scamps and Casitas and other boxy styles. We knew we needed affordable and we didn't want to be tied up in a "house on wheels" that might mean lots of maintenance and care. Oh, what to do?!
Then one evening I came home from work and Michael excitedly said he had a video to show me. It featured this tiny yellow trailer and its two owners camping in forests, by rivers, and near mountains. Intriguing. A tiny teardrop trailer.
Say what?? This little trailer can fit people in it?? Yes, it can. Two fully grown adults sleeping on a queen-sized mattress, with tiny cubby holes holding clothing and other essentials. Simple.
So our next step was to look at the many models and companies out there making teardrops. This style trailer dates back to the 30's and 40's, and is currently having a resurgence in popularity. Many folks build their own, make them out of wood or aluminum, incorporate old classic designs, or new slick looks. Teardrop trailer companies are popping up all over.
After checking out many teardrop trailers, we decided teardrops were for us. Now how do we pick one? You-Tube came in handy as we learned about the sleeping quarters, options, accessories, and that the kitchen is actually a galley that opens up in the rear! Cool! The outdoors becomes our kitchen! Hey, where's the bathroom? Well, larger teardrops have them inside, like Alto's from Canada. But for the teeny, tiny ones, bathrooms are a whole other thing!
Some teardrops offer heat and AC, TV's and stereos, and other creature comforts. Not for us, please.
We wanted something simple and cozy, and this Ultra 550 by Camp-Inn is ultimately the chosen one! Our goal is to pick up our TD (hip nomenclature for 'teardrop') around April 1.
But before we signed a contract we visited Mark from Pepperell, MA to look at his larger Camp-Inn Ultra 560. Larger than the 550, it even features a couch that converts into bunk beds! We got to look it over in detail, check out the construction,

sit in it, and generally 'oooh and aaah' over
it. Yep, we were ready to get a quote and send
in a deposit.
We are on our way to total retirement!