Tuesday, April 21, 2015

We Love Texas!

I'm not sure how to express the glorious-ness of Texas and of this experience.  I know we are in the infancy of this odyssey, but day doesn't go by where I give thanks for this opportunity.  All of this emotion got heightened as we left Huntsville and headed toward Wichita Falls (in northern Texas, not far from the Oklahoma border.)  The land spread as faras the eye could see and everything is brilliant shades of green! We skirted Dallas and Ft. Worth and much of that route was rural.  Big ranches with beautiful wrought iron gates appeared more frequently.

We set our sights on Lake Arrowhead State Park about 15 miles outside of Wichita Falls.  A long winding 2 lane rural road brought us through what is known as prairie land or plains.  Lush green grasses and short green trees that we can't identify yet. This park is gorgeous as are the small camping loops. We're the only campers in our loop.  We hear birds and insects. Butterflies of all kinds flit through, so quickly we can't identify them either!  There are trails to explore here, plus a prairie dog town to see.  We might stay tomorrow night as well.

Last night we camped at Huntsville State Park, a beautiful environment of super tall pine trees. As soon as we got out of the car a pileated woodpecker flew in and we had great looks. Other birds seen with regularity now are scissor-tailed flycatcher and when they fly-catch their flight and antics are awesome.  Turkey vultures have been joined by black vultures and mockinbirds have been everywhere, but here so far.  Other birds seen or heard are overboard, chipping and song sparrow, northern parula, red-eyed vireo and whip-por-will again.  Last night Michael heard an owl make a short call that he said sounded like a barred owl.  Don't have a western field guide with us so we can't confirm if they are out here!

Michael is cooking as I write at a picnic table overlooking the terrain.  The teardrop is absolutely wonderful!  It tows so easily.  She isn't as pristine as she was a couple of weeks ago. She's been through rain and muddy puddles and we do try to keep her as clean as we can.  Sleeping in her is so comfortable and the storage is working out well.

And so it is dinner time and we will eat (6pm central time) while we listen and look at this beautiful place.

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