Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Livingston, Texas y'all!

Livingston Texas is our new domicile.  A town of 5300 people, it has its share of new and old.  Big stores like Lowe's and Wal-Mart along with quite a few small business. Other areas are run down. Then there are green open spaces.

We arrived a week ago to 85 degrees and high humidity.  Quite a change from Wisconsin where we were bundled up!  Our route took us through Illinois,  Missouri and Arkansas, just missing the tornadoes that came through Illinois.   We found nice state parks to camp in. We continued to ride through farmlands and ranches.  And saw still more turkey vultures and lots of cattle egrets.  When we arrived in Texas I saw my first of two scissor-tailed flycatcher.

We are at the Escapees campground.  Escapees is a national organization for RV'ers.  We are on Rainbow Drive which is their HQ.  Our mail is now forwarded here and it will be forwarded to us as we request.  Lots of big rigs here (yep, talking the talk!) And we are th e only teardrop.

When we arrived at the office last week to check in, I pretty much freaked out as the door and sides of the building and the sidewalk were covered with caterpillars.  Now,  caterpillars normally interest me, but not by the hundreds.  These are the tent caterpillars that pillage trees and then make the tents in the trees and emerge as moths.  And they're everywhere, including on us!  We adjusted though and tend to flick them into oblivion!

Lots of mockingbirds, black vultures,  and boat-tailed grackles.  From our campsite we heard a whip-por-will.  And a beautiful thrush calling as I write.

A tiny lizard has made our picnic table his home.  We call him Lenny and he's pretty cute!

We have opened a bank account, and gotten our car and trailer inspected.  Tomorrow we register the car and trailer and get our drivers licenses.  So we are making progress. Our goal is to leave Texas on Friday and head to California for a teardrop rally in early May!

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